As the days become warmer and longer, you can tell that spring is right around the corner. While the tradition of Spring Cleaning is widespread in our culture, one that’s not so widespread is spring home maintenance. Just as you prepare your custom homes in Austin for the colder months, you must also prepare them for the warmer months, too. The brutality of the winter can have adverse effects on your home. The following list will guide you through getting your home ready for the spring and summertime.

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Clean Gutters and Downspouts — Make sure downspouts drain away from the foundation and are clear of debris.

Inspect Your Roof — From the ground, examine your roof with a pair of binoculars to see if there’s any visible damage. Parts that are cracked, buckled or loose should be replaced.

Check Your A/C Unit — Have a qualified heating and cooling contractor clean and service the outside unit of the air conditioning system. Clean coils work much more efficiently, and an annual service call will help keep the system working at peak performance levels. Change interior filters monthly.

Prune Landscaping and Create Good Drainage — Low areas in the yard or next to the foundation should be filled with compacted soil. Spring rains can cause yard flooding, which can lead to foundation flooding and damage. Also, when water pools in these low areas in summer, it creates a breeding ground for mosquitoes (and nobody likes mosquitoes).

Check the Foundation — Inspect concrete slabs for signs of cracks or movement. All exterior slabs except pool decks should drain away from the home’s foundation. Fill cracks with a concrete crack filler or silicone caulk. When weather permits, power-wash and then seal the concrete.

Weatherproof Windows and Doors — Use a screwdriver to check the wood trim around windows, doors, railings and decks. Make repairs now before the spring rains do more damage to the exposed wood.

Check Outside Faucets and Spigots — Turn the water on and place your thumb or finger over the opening. If you can stop the flow of water, the pipe inside the home is probably damaged.

These are just some pointers on how to prepare your home for the spring. Visit our website for a more complete list of home maintenance tips
