It can be hard to interact with Austin TX custom home builders when you visit their build sites, or model homes  when they are not staffed. At Sterling Custom Homes, we constantly strive to make your visits more enjoyable and informational at the same time. We want to be able to interact with you, even if we can’t be there physically to answer your questions. This is why you’ll now see QR codes on our build-site flyers, as well as scattered around the inside of our home at 111 Escavera Cove.

As you explore one of our Austin custom homes at 111 Escavera, you’ll notice QR codes in certain areas of the home. When you scan a QR code with your smartphone, a video with appear. The video will highlight and explain particular features of the home. It might explain a specific room, living space, or feature that is unique in Sterling’s building processes.

We are eager to see how you enjoy the videos we have made for you. As you watch the videos, we encourage you to comment on them to let us know what you think! If you have any questions about the features highlighted in the videos, or any of the other features of 111 Escavera Cove, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can comment on this post or call us at (512) 263-2214.