We love being Austin TX custom home builders because when our office and construction sites close for the day, there’s such a wide variety of things to do. One event that we are getting excited about that’s coming to Bass Concert Hall is one of Broadway’s biggest blockbusters, Wicked. This musical about how The Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good Witch became the witches they were when Dorothy arrived will be playing from January 25th through February 10th. When the show was on Broadway, it received 15 awards including a Grammy® and 3 Tony® Awards.

A few tickets are still available through Wicked’s official website, but there are plenty of tickets available through third party vendors. I would jump at this opportunity while you can because who knows when Wicked will be on tour again, much less come through Austin. I couldn’t let the opportunity pass me by, especially with my theatrical background and appreciation for the arts.

If you have an appreciation for the arts, you’ll absolutely love this musical and if you haven’t been to Bass Concert Hall, you are in store for a real treat. It is one of the best venues in all of Austin. You might even pick up some design inspiration that you could include in you Austin custom homes. We would be more than happy to talk to you about your design ideas. Visit us at www.sterlingcustomhomes.com or give us a call at (512) 263-2214.