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Home Owner Tips

Our maintenance checklist that we recommend to every homeowner.

Ducts should be cleaned once every two years. Homeowners should also consider adding insulation to any exposed ductwork, to reduce heat loss and thereby reduce heating bills.

Before you light that first fire of the season, be sure to have the chimney inspected for animals, debris, and leaves that may have fallen in. We recommend installing a screen over the chimney opening to reduce the chance of the chimney becoming fouled.

Check your weather stripping and bottom door sweeps for wear & gaps. Excessive wear can cause air infiltration resulting in higher energy consumption.

Clean your gutters & downspouts. Clogged gutters can cause water to back-up, which can eventually damage the soffits located next to the gutters.

The ridge vents need to be cleaned at least annually in order to allow the house to “breath” correctly, or air can stagnate and create an unhealthy environment.

The average American Home has air leaks that amount to a 9-square foot hole in the wall, according to the EarthWorks Group. While your Sterling Home is much better sealed than the average home, it is still wise to inspect the caulking around windows and doors each year, and check for any cracking and peeling.

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Things to Look for When Inspecting Your Home

Spring is a good time to inspect your home for any damage or repairs that need attention.

It is wise to check your home at the same time you change your fire alarm batteries – at the beginning (spring) and end (fall) of daylight saving’s time. Some components of your home may require less frequent monitoring (such as the foundation) and some may require more (changing the furnace filter). However, conducting a walkthrough of your home twice yearly is a good rule of thumb.

Have a leak inside your house? Chances are it’s your roof. Beyond that, look for chipped or missing roof tiles or shingles. This is a good time to trim trees up away from the roof. Also make sure to check flashings, soffits, fascia and any wood trim that comes in contact with the roof for rotting or peeling paint.

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Check for any cracks, deterioration or peeling paint. If there is excessive foundation cracking, call for a professional assessment. Otherwise, you can patch it yourself with mortar patch (which can be applied with a caulk gun).

Does water seem to settle around the house rather than drain away? Check to make sure that the soil slopes away from the house (1 inch per 6 feet is recommended). If it does not, simply backfill with some top soil until you reach the desired affect.

Look for peeling or cracked caulk and weather stripping. These can be easily purchased at any home improvement store and repaired in a small amount of time. Also, clean out window wells and check that all windows and doors open, shut and lock properly.

Sealing your wooden porches and decks on an annual basis will help prevent against rotting and deterioration. Secure any wobbly rails or steps and replace or treat any rotting or deteriorating wood. Check patios for cracks or settling and repair, as necessary.

Check for cracking and fill with concrete-patch, as needed. Taking the time to seal your concrete areas will help prevent any further cracking and deterioration.

Inspect attics and crawlspaces for any signs of water leakage and repair, as necessary. In addition, look for mildew, rot and fungus growth. Repair any loose or damaged insulation and check that attic vents are functioning properly. Look for any signs of pests and treat as necessary by placing bait or traps – or hiring a professional exterminator.